NEW! Shocking Report Released by Dr Dror Ben-Ami 'A Shot in the Dark'                                       Exposing the contamination of kangaroo meat.

     REPORT WRITTEN by Canberra Environment and Sustainability Resource Centre               SHOWS THAT KANGAROOS MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS                                                            DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS.

Photo by Stella Reid, Wildhaven

The kangaroo killing lobby portrays kangaroo meat eating as being romantic - a new gourmet taste sensation which helps the environment. In reality it is barbaric, potentially dangerous to health and environmentally irresponsible. Here is where you learn the facts:-

REDNECK PIE RECIPE (part satire/part truth)

Is Kangaroo Meat Healthy?
The Sydney Morning Herald on 18th November, 2009 reported that lack of hygiene and potential for disease is now threatening the kangaroo industry -

And is it any wonder? Kangaroos are hung upside down with hooks through their hind legs for hours before being killed. This horrific suffering releases myopathy toxins. The bodies are driven around on a dusty unhygienic truck all night then placed in inadequately refrigerated ‘chillers’ for up to two weeks, leading to contamination with faeces, maggots, e.coli and more (see this video ).

Kangaroo meat can contain salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus.  However no research into unusual parasites and pathogens such as nematodes that eat stomach and muscle tissue or Trichinella pseudospiralis has received government funding. Until public health risk assessments for known zoonoses have been carried out, the precautionary approach would be to take kangaroo meat off the market, since it is rarely adequately cooked.

In August 2009, Russia banned the importation of kangaroo meat from Australia on the grounds of health risks from ecoli etc. This has reduced the kangaroo industry's profits by a whopping 70% and many roo shooters in Queensland are out of a job.

Toxoplasmosis outbreaks related to kangaroo meat consumption are well known and have resulted in deaths and multiple illnesses. In 2008 three kangaroo processing plants closed down and Russia has rejected imports due to e.coli contamination. Canada, among other countries, has banned the importation of kangaroo meat. Additionally, eating kangaroo meat can cause anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction) and also bowel cancer, as its iron content is twice that of beef (high dietary iron being a risk factor for bowel cancer).

Pets can die from eating kangaroo meat (pet mince) preserved with sulphur dioxide which can cause  vitamin B deficiency. Dr Richard Malik, from Sydney University's Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, said pets affected by sulphur dioxide become wobbly on their legs, may develop a head tilt then progress to seizures, paralysis and death. Read Today Tonight report here.

Read letter from dog groomer whose clients STOPPED feeding their sick dogs kangaroo meat and noticed an immediate improvement in their health!

Kangaroo flesh contaminated with maggots
 and feces

Can Kangaroos be Farmed to Replace Cows and Sheep?
Kangaroos cannot be farmed. They cannot be herded or driven into yards or abattoirs because they get too stressed (capture myopathy) and the lactic acid builds up in their muscles causing the meat to go rancid and become inedible. Nor can they be transported live unless the appropriate techniques and medications are used.

Being slaughtered in the field presents health and financial problems. The farmer would need transportable chillers to send to the processors, plus the animals would need to be inspected in the field prior to slaughter to ensure the meat was healthy.

Kangaroos eat native vegetation (not wheat) and it would take many years to grow back native plants. They also need a lot of space to roam and cannot be confined in overcrowded areas. Kangaroo-proof fencing is very expensive (DPI recommends 12 wires alternately electrified, 2.13 metres high).

Then there is the question of ownership. Under the Constitution all wildlife is ‘owned’ by the Crown and therefore cannot be privately ‘owned,’ although farmers can own land and wildlife habitat. And even if they could be owned, tagging kangaroos would require expensive and risky tranquilisation. Branding them would kill many or cause myopathy, again making the meat inedible.

Kangaroos are small animals. An adult yields 6.9 kg of meat, only 0.25 kg of which would be human grade. Current annual kangaroo meat production is  600 tonnes (from 2.5 million kangaroos) compared to 1,7000,000 tonnes of beef. In order to produce enough meat to replace beef the entire kangaroo population would have to be killed 566 times every year.

Kangaroos breed from 2-3 years of age and only produce one joey a year. Survival rate for joeys is low, especially during a drought. Sheep breed from 1 year of age and can produce twins. Joeys are dependent on their mothers for 14 months (sheep for only a few months) and so cannot be transported or sold as live young. Sheep produce meat, skin and wool - kangaroos produce only meat and skin. A 10 year old adult male red kangaroo weighing 60 kg can only produce 6 kg of prime cut meat. Lambs can be slaughtered at 3-6 months of age to produce 20 kg meat (Preuss, 1999) and a 2 year old cow can produce 200 kg of meat.

Clearly kangaroo farming is not economically viable.

Is the Kangaroo Meat Industry Sustainable?
The Department of the Environment talks about the ‘sustainable harvesting of renewable resources.’  However their figures show that in most of the states where kangaroos are hunted they are at ‘quasi-extinction’ levels, which, according to the Murray Darling Report, is defined as less than 5 kangaroos per square kilometre. Not only that, the kangaroo industry has killed off the biggest males leaving mainly juveniles. The average age of kangaroos shot is only 2-3 years i.e. barely at breeding age. In 2007 up to 80% of the kangaroos killed in NSW were females. All of these factors are a recipe for extinction. Why is the government failing to protect our wildlife?

According to government websites kangaroo populations have crashed up to 70% from 2001-2006, due mainly to the drought and unrelenting pressure from the kangaroo industry which continues to set unsustainably high quotas that are never met. In 2008 the quota is 3.7 million making this:-


We Australians should hang our heads in shame. At the rate we are killing kangaroos for meat and skins combined with the drought, bush fires, farmer kills, illegal killing, roadkill, habitat destruction for development, government ‘culling’ programs etc, it has been estimated that kangaroos could be extinct in the wild as soon as 2012 to 2020 ( ).

Is Kangaroo Killing Humane?
We are assured that kangaroos are humanely killed according to ‘the code.’ However all the killing is performed from moving vehicles in the bush at night, unsupervised, by shooters whose proficiency is questionable. Many kangaroos are shot in the face or neck and left to die painfully of starvation and gangrene. The adult females that are killed often have an in-pouch joey and an at-foot joey.There is nothing humane about the kangaroo killing industry.

The in-pouch joey is either decapitated, stomped on or bashed to death against a tree or truck.

The at-foot joey flees to die of starvation, hypothermia or predation.
See this cruelty at or here
(Warning: graphic content, adults only).

N.S.W. has just opened up a zone around Mudgee under the FATE program allowing farmers to share the profit with kangaroo shooters who target kangaroos on their properties. The kangaroos may have been shot by the farmers anyway, but shooters will shoot more because they are profit driven and because kangaroos are basically shot out from the other areas, which is why they have to keep on opening up new areas. In that program approximately 25,000 joeys will be killed in the above manner every single year until there are none left, which won't be long because they will be killed faster than what they can breed.

anne-marieThis beautiful joey's mother was killed in a car accident. The wildlife carers in the Mudgee area who are already overburdened with the care of orphaned young like the one on the left must now deal with more joeys orphaned thanks to the FATE program.

See video of distressed wildlife carer John 'Kangaroo Man' Lyle and his wife Sandra with their joeys in care at Mudgee.

The RSPCA, who knows nothing about wildlife, approves of this program as 'humane'. So much for  'All Creatures Great and Small.'

Are Kangaroos the Enemy or Do They Benefit the Land?

It’s true that European farming of livestock has wreaked havoc on our environment. Livestock cause soil erosion and destroy soil ecosystems by compacting the soil with hard hooves, thereby causing deserts. They destroy forests and wildlife habitat because grazing land has to be continuously created.

The methane and nitrous oxide from their belching/farting/manure (especially dairy cows) leads to the creation of massive amounts of greenhouse gas (more than the entire transport sector). Over half the water used for all purposes is required by the livestock industry. This is the worst drought in 100 years and water should be used for crops to feed people, not  livestock.

Cows poop 100 times more than people so their massive amounts of manure pollute water (ground and surface) and cause dead zones in the oceans. Since up to 80% of all grains in the world are used to fatten livestock instead of feeding hungry people, livestock farming contributes to world hunger. Likewise 20 million Australians eating cows and sheep is not sustainable or healthy for our country.

In fact kangaroos benefit the ecosystem and they do this in many ways:

1. Kangaroos lessen the possibility of bushfires by eating dry grass that ignites easily and in locations near trees that sheep and cattle cannot reach (by virtue of being fenced in).

2. Kangaroos' soft padded feet and long tail are integral to the ecological health of the land, as regenerators of native grasses. Any seedling that falls into the long-tapering footprint of the kangaroo is buried into the hole left by the toenail. Covered and with moisture concentrated at one point, the germinating seedling has a chance of survival. Their tail drags along behind them while they are grazing, pressing the ground, rolling seeds into the earth.

3. Kangaroos play an undeniable role in biological diversity and ecological integrity by virtue of the fact that they have lived in Australia for at least 16 million years, in harmony with the other species as per the law of interdependence.

4. Kangaroo urine and faeces is a natural fertilizer essential to the health of the soil. Many species depend on the kangaroo for this reason. Their waste is not high in nitrogen like livestock waste which seriously pollutes ground and surface water. (Reference: )

5. Unlike the livestock industry, Kangaroos do not degrade the environment by:

a) producing virtually no methane greenhouse gases through exhaling and eructation. The hydrogen by product of fermentation is instead converted into acetate, which is then used to provide further energy. The greenhouse gas effect of methane is 23 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. However, the greenhouse gases from the livestock industry is 18% total emissions (which exceeds the entire transport sector at 14%).

b) requiring massive quantities of water as with cows. Kangaroos have slender noses with a long narrow tongue that can lap water from sources that broad nosed livestock cannot even get to or would find unacceptable. (Reference: David Croft, p.238-9, Kangaroo Myths and Realities).

c) causing soil erosion, loss of soil nutrients and soil ecosystems leading to soil desertification. Kangaroos are not hoofed animals (like livestock) that compact the soil and cause soil problems.

d) destroying wildlife (the livestock industry shoots native animals which it regards as pests)

e) destroying trees or habitat of other species

f) contributing to the eutrophication and acidification of water and the ocean.

g) excessive grazing. Kangaroos' grazing pressure is only 1-8%
ref:  The rest of the grazing pressure is mainly cows and sheep.

(References for all the above environmental effects of the livestock industry: )

Kangaroos have intrinsic value and are perfectly adapted to their environment. The more kangaroos, the more biodiversity in Australia. However governments are now claiming that kangaroos overgraze or threaten endangered species, even though there are no published articles in peer reviewed journals proving this scientifically.

Photo by Stella Reid, Wildhaven
A recent report commissioned by Maxine Cooper, Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment says that kangaroos protect us against CLIMATE CHANGE and its effects, by minimising bush fires and helping to regenerate the flora along with other species at risk. Read the fascinating report here written by the Canberra Environment and Sustainability Resource Centre. In spite of the scientifical qualifications of the author, it's interesting to note that this report was rejected by Cooper. Could it be too incriminating that 9,000 of these wonderfully environmentally-friendly creatures were needlessly destroyed at Majura earlier this year by the A.C.T. government on the unsubstantiated grounds that they were 'overgrazing' and 'overpopulated'?

What Else Can we Eat if not Kangaroo Meat?
Clearly, farming kangaroos is NOT the solution; countless wild species depend on kangaroos’ presence in the bush. The solution to the environmental pollution caused by the livestock industry is staring us in the face. For more info visit here.

"Nothing will benefit human health or increase the chances for survival on Earth as will the evolution to a vegetarian diet" - Albert Einstein

Is Our Tourism Industry at risk?
A $200 million a year kangaroo industry is not going to shut down because people and pets are dying, Australia’s $85 billion tourist industry is being jeopardised or kangaroos are heading towards extinction. As long as there is money to be made and people to be paid off, this ugly business will continue. Read about the kangaroo industry at

Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg! The kangaroo is the spirit of Australia, and is our great national icon. Let’s support nature-based eco-tourism at

Is Australia's National Icon on Track to Extinction?
Hard to believe? See the shocking facts from government sources at this website.

“It’s embarrassing for Australia that we eat our own wildlife ....I’m here to tell you it’s just not right. Simply do not buy, use or eat kangaroo products.”

                     ~ Steve Irwin 

What can I do?
* Don't eat or buy kangaroo meat for yourself, your family or your pets.
* Please sign the petition calling for a moratorium on all kangaroo killing.
* Print this flier and put it on noticeboards, share with friends.
* Boycott any restaurants who sell kangaroo meat and tell them why.
* Share this website with your friends, far and wide.
* Watch Youtube slide show at
* Join a kangaroo organisation (see Links below).
* Write to the following people in N.P.W.S. and tell them what you think of the Kangaroo Industry:

Corbyn, Lisa NSW 
SallyBarnes NSW is directly under Lisa Corbyn
Mark Peacock Western Division Director
Gilroy, Joshua 
Nicole Payne
Archer, Michael
Instigator of the fatal FATE program which allows shooters to go onto private property to shoot kangaroos and give the farmers a portion of the profit.


Hall of Shame Petfood Companies
Please do not purchase pet food from any company that sells kangaroo meat. If you have time write to them and tell them why you are not buying their products.

         Thank you for helping our kangaroos in their TIME of need!